Pakistan sets one-year timeline to repatriate undocumented Afghans

 Pakistan has set a one-year deadline for the repatriation of undocumented Afghans

Since the deadline for all of these illegal migrants passed, officials have intensified their efforts to deport Afghans without documentation. Over two hundred thousand Afghans have left the country thus far.
According to a high-ranking government official, the decision to expel all undocumented migrants, regardless of their country of origin, has been planned for more than a year. Dispelling the notion that Pakistan was using this as leverage to exert pressure on Kabul, the official stressed, "It was wrong to link the current decision with the TTP or its relationship with the Afghan government."
Pakistan feels that individuals who do not possess official documentation should be sent back to their country of origin. The official highlighted that individuals who possess an Afghan citizenship card and proof of residency should not fear. The official questioned, "How can we allow anyone who doesn't have any identity?"

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